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Being a Great Leader

Mohammad Suyanto


Great leader and a brilliant achievers believe that he himself created his world. Genesis was good or bad is they who created it. "I was responsible with this incident" they said. But if you think otherwise that everything happens for a victim of circumstance, then you put yourself as an object rather than subject. So what happens you will suffer and not think, behind the failure was still a chance.

Responsible is a measure of maturity of a leader. Responsible to lead men to trust their leaders that can cause tremendous synergy. John F. Kennedy is one such leader. When an incident Bay of Pigs, which is a crime that should never have happened, he said to the American people that the incident is under his responsibility. When it was spoken to the people, the Kennedy changed from politician to be a true leader. Kennedy did what he had done every great leader. "Those who are responsible is in power and those who avoid the responsibility that is not powerless" said Anthony Robbins.

My experience as a leader in one of the small of my small company was also taught that the responsibility can actually solve the problem. When one small institution which I led, the students held a demonstration for me to dismiss three of my employees who act arrogant to them, then I say to students who demonstrate it. First, I thank you because the students care about this institution and this institution is willing to become better in the ministry. Secondly, I acknowledge my responsibility for the employee. If the students do want to get fired so before being fired, I was ready to be fired first. Then the students said that was not my preferred, but these three employees.

"To fire the employee for me as a leader easy, living made SK layoffs, but the third employee is a source of family income. If I fired, how his wife, son and how they support his family. Especially now in a crisis situation to get a new job they must have trouble "I replied. It turned out that my answer is to touch the hearts of the students, then they say "Well Mr. Yanto, then at least the employee is given a strong warning, so no more arrogant". "I will try to give warnings and educate" I replied. Finally, the issue can be done with peace and the students apologize to me. I also forgive them.

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