Mohammad Suyanto
Spiritual intelligence is the intelligence to deal with and solve problems of meaning and value or intelligence to put the behavior in the context of the broader meaning and rich. True love has been shown by a father to his wife who had been paralyzed is a high spiritual intelligence. True love is not only lived a year or two years, but has woven more than 25 years. Long journey time. He took care of his wife while raising their fourth baby. Now their children were grown and the youngest are in college. While among us, have a beautiful wife and children a sweet tooth, healthy physically and spiritually, from his mouth came out a beautiful phrase and musical, the first person we love most in this world and no other and has risked his life for the children us, but sometimes we are still trying to find another wife. Leaving his wife and children a sweet tooth. My wife accompanying experiences of mothers who left her husband married again to say "Coming in love with my husband to another woman that suddenly. Like the storm, and then the household was a mess ". While the husbands who left his wife says "Never mind my ordeal just enough". Indeed we have much to learn of spiritual intelligence to you is, praying to God that we are not interested in another woman and pattern true love to his wife's father was paralyzed ..
Mohammad Suyanto
I got a letter from someone who is driven by my friend, Mr. Joko Mumpuni, Publishing Director Andi Yogyakarta. After I opened, the letter was from the owner Publishing Andi, Mr. Gondowijoyo. "Mr. Yanto, do not get enough well if I give input again, because I am very interested in writing and discussion by Mr. KR newspaper every day is Saturday. Besides that I am very concerned at the situation of mental, cultural and moral integrity of most of the youth, the leaders in Indonesia. During the 36 years I joined a little involved in education, how progress is still not good enough, especially when compared with neighboring countries we "writes Mr. Gondo in open text.
I got a letter from someone who is driven by my friend, Mr. Joko Mumpuni, Publishing Director Andi Yogyakarta. After I opened, the letter was from the owner Publishing Andi, Mr. Gondowijoyo. "Mr. Yanto, do not get enough well if I give input again, because I am very interested in writing and discussion by Mr. KR newspaper every day is Saturday. Besides that I am very concerned at the situation of mental, cultural and moral integrity of most of the youth, the leaders in Indonesia. During the 36 years I joined a little involved in education, how progress is still not good enough, especially when compared with neighboring countries we "writes Mr. Gondo in open text.
LEARNING FROM newspaper seller (1)
Mohammad Suyanto
The newspaper seller who always delivers newspapers diligently to my house. More than ten years, I was loyal to its customers. Jet black skin stung sunlight every day dress is covered with shabby black jacket and a hat to reduce sun. Perfume droplets of sweat clinging to her face like a man who had just a good cry. Breath a little breathless boost old bike barely used and the breath of a new old before travel far riding his bike. The faithful old bike everywhere with her deliver the newspaper to about two hundred customers loyal. His right hand decorated by a sign from God, which has no fingers. Her parents are decorated ahead of a couple of strands of gray hair, but it still emits a radiant smile, eager to show himself a hard worker and a fighter who refused to despair. This is the first lesson we learned from a newspaper seller.
Instead, we are of our skin as if nothing had come into contact with sunlight, because the luxury car covered and protected from high-priced clothing. Perfumes from France are expensive, washed smell is still noticeable scent. Breath of relief without power, because everywhere the driver delivered with the new vehicles that never break down. We are given a handsome face and limbs, and complete a charming family. However we sometimes cast a wry smile and lowered others and sometimes being a fighter who easily give up and easily despair with a trivial problem. Working with full pressure and less grateful than God favors the very rich.
The newspaper seller who always delivers newspapers diligently to my house. More than ten years, I was loyal to its customers. Jet black skin stung sunlight every day dress is covered with shabby black jacket and a hat to reduce sun. Perfume droplets of sweat clinging to her face like a man who had just a good cry. Breath a little breathless boost old bike barely used and the breath of a new old before travel far riding his bike. The faithful old bike everywhere with her deliver the newspaper to about two hundred customers loyal. His right hand decorated by a sign from God, which has no fingers. Her parents are decorated ahead of a couple of strands of gray hair, but it still emits a radiant smile, eager to show himself a hard worker and a fighter who refused to despair. This is the first lesson we learned from a newspaper seller.
Instead, we are of our skin as if nothing had come into contact with sunlight, because the luxury car covered and protected from high-priced clothing. Perfumes from France are expensive, washed smell is still noticeable scent. Breath of relief without power, because everywhere the driver delivered with the new vehicles that never break down. We are given a handsome face and limbs, and complete a charming family. However we sometimes cast a wry smile and lowered others and sometimes being a fighter who easily give up and easily despair with a trivial problem. Working with full pressure and less grateful than God favors the very rich.
Mohammad Suyanto
Keep your promises is a difficult job, especially when we are still a small enterprise, but if we run out to do, it will increase confidence. My experience helping small businesses, the problem of keeping this promise can not be implemented well. And if he kept his promise to I help you again. Not only keep your promises, but instead disappeared from circulation. Some of our small businesses prefer to avoid rather than face the problem, so the problem was not solved, even the complicated and make trust fade. And if the problem we face, is almost certainly the problem can be solved together. Though sometimes, we accept the curse of anger and sometimes insults or insults. But there is one weapon for us, that is to apologize. Insha Allah, if we sincerely apologize, we will be forgiven. We come not to exacerbate the problem, but solve the problem.
Keep your promises is a difficult job, especially when we are still a small enterprise, but if we run out to do, it will increase confidence. My experience helping small businesses, the problem of keeping this promise can not be implemented well. And if he kept his promise to I help you again. Not only keep your promises, but instead disappeared from circulation. Some of our small businesses prefer to avoid rather than face the problem, so the problem was not solved, even the complicated and make trust fade. And if the problem we face, is almost certainly the problem can be solved together. Though sometimes, we accept the curse of anger and sometimes insults or insults. But there is one weapon for us, that is to apologize. Insha Allah, if we sincerely apologize, we will be forgiven. We come not to exacerbate the problem, but solve the problem.
Mohammad Suyanto
Brand building strategy can be to rely on brand equity. Brand equity based on the consumer perspective is a recognition of the brand's consumer and store in their memory and their associations that support the brand, strong and unique. Brand equity based on the consumer perspective of brand awareness (brand awareness) and brand image (brand image).
Brand awareness is the brand's ability to appear in consumers' minds when they're thinking about a particular product and how easy it is to name revealed. Brand awareness is the basic dimensions of brand equity. A brand does not have the equity to the consumer aware of the brand. New brand should be able to achieve brand awareness and brand awareness mempertakan to do all the brands. The level of brand awareness to brand known as awareness and recall tend to be shallow brand as a deeper awareness. For in Indonesia, if we consider the brand of toothpaste that can quickly arise in our heads then Pepsodent will appear first, followed by new Ciptadent, Close-Up and others. Whereas if we think the mosquito, then the Baygon will appear first, followed by three new wheels and others.
Brand image is a kind of association that emerged in the minds of consumers when considering a particular brand. These associations can arise in the form of a particular image or idea associated with a brand. This association can dikonseptualkan by type, support, strength and uniqueness. Type of brand associations include the attributes, benefits and attitudes. Attribute consists of attributes associated with products such as design, color, size and attributes that are not associated with the product, such as price, user and usage imagery. While the benefits include the benefits of a functional, symbolic benefits and benefits based on experience. Bodrex associated as the drug is safe and rapid healing. Komix associated as a cough medicine that can be drunk directly with the advertising slogan “Tante Fe batuk, diglek aja”.
To enhance brand equity through an election conducted brand names or logos are good. The most common effort made through marketing programs and marketing communications in order to create an association that supports, strong and unique in the consumer's mind between the brand and the attributes or benefits. High quality products and present the potential value of having a high brand equity business needs effective marketing communications and consistently to build and maintain brand equity. Tea Sosro expressed as one of the biggest brands in Indonesia, actually no more than water given sugar tea. However this brand has great brand equity for the promotion pemasarnya continuously
Brand building strategy can be to rely on brand equity. Brand equity based on the consumer perspective is a recognition of the brand's consumer and store in their memory and their associations that support the brand, strong and unique. Brand equity based on the consumer perspective of brand awareness (brand awareness) and brand image (brand image).
Brand awareness is the brand's ability to appear in consumers' minds when they're thinking about a particular product and how easy it is to name revealed. Brand awareness is the basic dimensions of brand equity. A brand does not have the equity to the consumer aware of the brand. New brand should be able to achieve brand awareness and brand awareness mempertakan to do all the brands. The level of brand awareness to brand known as awareness and recall tend to be shallow brand as a deeper awareness. For in Indonesia, if we consider the brand of toothpaste that can quickly arise in our heads then Pepsodent will appear first, followed by new Ciptadent, Close-Up and others. Whereas if we think the mosquito, then the Baygon will appear first, followed by three new wheels and others.
Brand image is a kind of association that emerged in the minds of consumers when considering a particular brand. These associations can arise in the form of a particular image or idea associated with a brand. This association can dikonseptualkan by type, support, strength and uniqueness. Type of brand associations include the attributes, benefits and attitudes. Attribute consists of attributes associated with products such as design, color, size and attributes that are not associated with the product, such as price, user and usage imagery. While the benefits include the benefits of a functional, symbolic benefits and benefits based on experience. Bodrex associated as the drug is safe and rapid healing. Komix associated as a cough medicine that can be drunk directly with the advertising slogan “Tante Fe batuk, diglek aja”.
To enhance brand equity through an election conducted brand names or logos are good. The most common effort made through marketing programs and marketing communications in order to create an association that supports, strong and unique in the consumer's mind between the brand and the attributes or benefits. High quality products and present the potential value of having a high brand equity business needs effective marketing communications and consistently to build and maintain brand equity. Tea Sosro expressed as one of the biggest brands in Indonesia, actually no more than water given sugar tea. However this brand has great brand equity for the promotion pemasarnya continuously
Mohammad Suyanto
Real marketing strategies brand building strategy in the consumer's mind. If we have the ability to build a brand, it means we have a strong marketing program. Another strategy to build brands is to empower brand product lines. Brand product line is a strategy put in a brand name product lines related. Brand product line focuses and provides cost advantages by promoting the product line rather than each product. This strategy is effective if the company has one or more product lines, each of which contains a relationship between the items of the product. One advantage the brand's product line is the addition of product items can be introduced to empower the brand names that have been built.
Strategies that big companies use to build a brand, usually by using the company's brand. A company's brand building strategy brand identity using the company name to identify the product. Toyota, Panasonic, Polytron, Sony, IBM, Intel, Motorola, Sharp, Sanyo, Toshiba, Yamaha, Honda and McDonald's use the company brand (corporate brand) to advertise its products. Good Honda ads Mega Pro 1600 and continue highlighting Karisma Honda brand as a corporate brand.
Kijang and Avanza success as Top Brand Indonesia, one of them because of that it uses the Toyota brand. Toyota to build brands is not only a company that sells cars, but the company that offers Total Ownership Experience, ranging from dealers to contact customers after sales service is optimal. Toyota Kijang with the image that the vehicle is durable and easy to maintain and relatively high prices purnajualnya compared with competitive brands make a strong brand in the minds of consumers. Toyota Avanza, using Toyota's corporate brand has been trusted around the world who have superior products, services satisfactorily high resale to make its brand into Top Brand Indonesia. Panasonic with AC and a washing machine also became Top Brands Indonesia, both use the company's brand. Polytron with audio, which provides electronic product images are relatively inexpensive, but quality in Indonesia. Similarly, Sharp and Toshiba with television and refrigerator, all of which use the company's brand strategy to achieve excellence.
Real marketing strategies brand building strategy in the consumer's mind. If we have the ability to build a brand, it means we have a strong marketing program. Another strategy to build brands is to empower brand product lines. Brand product line is a strategy put in a brand name product lines related. Brand product line focuses and provides cost advantages by promoting the product line rather than each product. This strategy is effective if the company has one or more product lines, each of which contains a relationship between the items of the product. One advantage the brand's product line is the addition of product items can be introduced to empower the brand names that have been built.
Strategies that big companies use to build a brand, usually by using the company's brand. A company's brand building strategy brand identity using the company name to identify the product. Toyota, Panasonic, Polytron, Sony, IBM, Intel, Motorola, Sharp, Sanyo, Toshiba, Yamaha, Honda and McDonald's use the company brand (corporate brand) to advertise its products. Good Honda ads Mega Pro 1600 and continue highlighting Karisma Honda brand as a corporate brand.
Kijang and Avanza success as Top Brand Indonesia, one of them because of that it uses the Toyota brand. Toyota to build brands is not only a company that sells cars, but the company that offers Total Ownership Experience, ranging from dealers to contact customers after sales service is optimal. Toyota Kijang with the image that the vehicle is durable and easy to maintain and relatively high prices purnajualnya compared with competitive brands make a strong brand in the minds of consumers. Toyota Avanza, using Toyota's corporate brand has been trusted around the world who have superior products, services satisfactorily high resale to make its brand into Top Brand Indonesia. Panasonic with AC and a washing machine also became Top Brands Indonesia, both use the company's brand. Polytron with audio, which provides electronic product images are relatively inexpensive, but quality in Indonesia. Similarly, Sharp and Toshiba with television and refrigerator, all of which use the company's brand strategy to achieve excellence.
Mohammad Suyanto
Each company should develop their own policies regarding the brand of eye products in the same line. Brand is a combination of names, words, symbols or designs that give the identity of the product. As discussed above, that the advertised product but not the brand. Brand economic role if the brand is mass produced, so achieving economies of scale and a successful brand can hamper a competitor who wants to introduce the same brand. Brand also has a strategic role with a difference between the brands offered by the company with its competitors brand. From the consumer perspective, a trusted brand is a guarantee of consistency of performance of a product and provide consumers the benefits sought when buying a particular product or brand. Brand also is a promise to consumers that by just saying his name, comes the hope that the brand will provide the best quality, comfort, status and other considerations when consumers make a purchase.
Brand consists of private brands (private brand / store brand / distributor of brand / private label), brand-specific / individual (specific / individual brand), brand lines / families (line / family brand), brand companies (corporate brand), brand combination (cobination brand). Private brand is a brand-sponsored by the distributor, for example on large traders and retailers. Alfa pulled out of sugar with the supermarket brands but do not have the sugar factory, the Alpha uses the private brand of sugar distributor permission. Allows private brand wholesalers or retailers provide lower prices and allow for higher profit. In fact, many overseas companies ranging from clothing in upscale real Indonesian production, but given the brand overseas. Similarly, Indonesian-made shoes, branded ordering from abroad. Although made in Indonesia, but with foreign brands were able to sell a good price. Because the sale was not a product but the brand.
Another strategy is to build a brand with a specific brand which is a strategy to provide the brand name of a specific product. Unilever uses this strategy, for example Ax for brand deodorant, for Blue Band margarine, Domestos for mosquito, for Omo detergent, Pepsodent toothpaste and for for Sunsilk shampoo. Similarly, P & G, for Camay soap brands, for Crest toothpaste, Duracell batteries, Gillette for razors, Head & Shoulders for shampoo and Pampers for diapers.
Each company should develop their own policies regarding the brand of eye products in the same line. Brand is a combination of names, words, symbols or designs that give the identity of the product. As discussed above, that the advertised product but not the brand. Brand economic role if the brand is mass produced, so achieving economies of scale and a successful brand can hamper a competitor who wants to introduce the same brand. Brand also has a strategic role with a difference between the brands offered by the company with its competitors brand. From the consumer perspective, a trusted brand is a guarantee of consistency of performance of a product and provide consumers the benefits sought when buying a particular product or brand. Brand also is a promise to consumers that by just saying his name, comes the hope that the brand will provide the best quality, comfort, status and other considerations when consumers make a purchase.
Brand consists of private brands (private brand / store brand / distributor of brand / private label), brand-specific / individual (specific / individual brand), brand lines / families (line / family brand), brand companies (corporate brand), brand combination (cobination brand). Private brand is a brand-sponsored by the distributor, for example on large traders and retailers. Alfa pulled out of sugar with the supermarket brands but do not have the sugar factory, the Alpha uses the private brand of sugar distributor permission. Allows private brand wholesalers or retailers provide lower prices and allow for higher profit. In fact, many overseas companies ranging from clothing in upscale real Indonesian production, but given the brand overseas. Similarly, Indonesian-made shoes, branded ordering from abroad. Although made in Indonesia, but with foreign brands were able to sell a good price. Because the sale was not a product but the brand.
Another strategy is to build a brand with a specific brand which is a strategy to provide the brand name of a specific product. Unilever uses this strategy, for example Ax for brand deodorant, for Blue Band margarine, Domestos for mosquito, for Omo detergent, Pepsodent toothpaste and for for Sunsilk shampoo. Similarly, P & G, for Camay soap brands, for Crest toothpaste, Duracell batteries, Gillette for razors, Head & Shoulders for shampoo and Pampers for diapers.
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