Posted by Matthew Toren, on March 5th, 2010

Interested in starting a business? This post is the first in a series that will detail
100 Business Ideas. Each week, we’ll post an article describing 10 businesses in a specific category. This week’s post gives you ideas for businesses you can work out of your home. A future post will discus Internet businesses, so they aren’t on this week’s list. Stay tuned for all the lists, and then look forward to the compilation post with all 100 ideas. There is no lack of opportunities to be self employed. Just pick an idea that appeals to you, and go for it
Backyard Plant Nursery
If you have a green thumb and love both plants and people, this is the business for you. Did you know that most of your local nurseries don’t grow most of their own plants? They actually buy them from small, specialized growers. You can easily become one of their suppliers. The key is to specialize in specific kinds of plants – the ones that are in demand. The only way to find out which plants those are is to ask. Get started in this business for just a few hundred dollars after talking with local nurseries to find out what they’re looking for. Want to know more? Check out
this book.
Personal Shopper
You say going to the mall and the grocery store are your idea of a good time? How would you like to get paid to shop? Personal shoppers are popular in many areas. Generally, the larger the city you live in and the more affluent the city, the more prominent this business will be (think San Francisco, Miami, and Scottsdale), but personal shoppers can thrive just about anywhere. The best part is – there are low to no startup costs. Print some flyers to post around town or put an ad on Craigslist, and you’re on your way! From there, networking and referrals will fuel your growth. If you think this is the business for you and you have 50 bucks to spend, get
this book.