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Mohammad Suyanto


Packaging should also have an emotional appeal (an elegant, prestige, fun, funny, nostalgic, exciting, and so forth) through the use of color, shape, packaging materials and other equipment. In the process information and choose a variety of alternative products, we can classify consumers into two groups. The first group is the consumers who process information and choose a variety of products with a reasonable alternative, so use common sense, systematic and reasoned.
The second group is the consumer to the contrary, that consumers who use emotion in pursuit of fun, fantasy and feelings. Thus, when consumers make decisions based on such objectives have the best product or make choices carefully, then the package must provide real information to facilitate comprehensive consumer choice.

Whereas if the product is made for fun or hobby, fantasy and touch the feelings, then the package should contain emotional content requirements to enable the purchase behavior. Even some products do a combination of rational and emotional. Packaging is made rational and emotional kobinasi simultaneously appeal to common sense and symbolic needs of consumers.

Yum Yum packaging uses emotional appeal to the packaging showing a tiger-shaped head of a child who rejoiced in eating Yum Yum and decorated with a rainbow beside him. There are forms of the cub's head is red, green, yellow and so on, so attractive to small children. Sedap noodle packaging also uses a combination of charm by displaying a red plastic, yellow for chicken noodle soup taste onion, red and green to slightly yellow noodle soup and sauce taste red and yellow and green for a little taste noodle soup chicken curry. The third container is made Sedaap Instant Noodles and writing and a picture of halal noodles that have been served and the smoke coming out of the noodles with the word 'obviously felt Sedapnya', so that people interested in buying.

However some packages using the emotional appeal of sex appeal, the case has nothing to do with sex. Such packaging will get a negative response, even according to Eric Schulz is one of the sins of advertising. Packaging with sex appeal tends to be avoided by parents who have young children, resulting in products with packaging that is not purchased sepert. More darti was packaged with sex appeal often violate ethical or religious guidance. Proved packaging with less sex appeal than successful in selling packaged with other attractions. Perhaps not blessed by God.

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