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Mohammad Suyanto


"The world economy has entered a phase of extraordinary instability and its future was not really sure" writes Helmut Schmidt. Continued instability and uncertainty continues. After the periods of high inflation that hurts, the world economy has experienced a deep recession and the unemployment rate that has never happened before, coupled with real interest rates remain high and foreign currency fluctuations that are not healthy. The crisis was also exacerbated by the poverty in the midst of rich people in all countries, including Indonesia. Berbag forms of social injustice, economic, balance of payments deficit and the inability of developing countries for their debt installments. Greatest economic crisis began with the banking crisis in the United States in the 1930s, which closed 9106 / assisted. Economists would tend to agree with the view that there is no previous economic theory that seems able to explain the economic crisis the world today. Start the economists think back to resolve the crisis. One such alternative is the Sharia-based economy.

Etymologically, means the rules of sharia, or decree which Allah has commanded the servants of his, such as shoum, prayer, zakat and hajj all virtues. Allah Almighty says, Then We made you to be on top of a sharia (rule) of the affairs (of religion) that (Qaradawi, 1990). Sharia comes from the root word which means syara'a introduce or promote or specify or describe or explain something. Syaria'ah a legal system based on revelation, or also called syara 'or syir'ah. Sharia Islamic law also means contained in the Qur'an and Al-Hadith and developed through the analysis of the principles of the four schools of Islamic fiqh, namely Shafi, Hanbali, Hanafi and Maliki, along with the Ja'fari to the Shi'ites. (Cyril Glasse, 1996). Sharia is the basis of wisdom and benefit of mankind in the world and the hereafter. This benefit lies in justice, love, prosperity and perfect wisdom. Anything that deviates from justice to oppression, from the violence of love, from welfare to poverty, and the wisdom of ignorance is absolutely nothing to do with sharia (Ibn al-Qayyim, 1955).

Thus Islamic Economics is the economy that operates by using the Islamic law, which basically justice, love, prosperity and wisdom or anti-oppression, anti-violence, anti-poverty and anti-stupidity. This is in accordance with Article 33 UUD 1943, the togetherness and kinship (mutuality & brotherhood) and partisipatory and emansipatory (Swasono, 2004). Banks and Financial Sharia in the last ten years to grow 15% every year which exceeds the growth of bank or financial institution in the global capital markets, are in more than 75 countries with assets of about 200 billion U.S. dollars (Yawer, 2002).

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