Mohammad Suyanto
"The leader is the first creation that determines success and failure of the organization" said Steven R. Covey. Thus the leader is the key to organizational success. Leadership review of an effective leader and what distinguishes a leader and not a leader. Definitions vary widely leaders and very much. We take the definition given by Abraham Zaleznik, and John Kotter
Abraham Zaleznik of Harvard Business School, argues that leaders and managers is very different. They differ in motiv, personal history, ways of thinking and acting. Managers tend to take the attitude of impersonal, not passive, for the purpose, while the leader took personal attitudes and activism toward the goal. Managers tend to view work as a process that allows, include a combination of people and ideas interact to define strategies and make decisions. Leaders work from a position of high risk, often temperamental they are looking for risk and danger, especially if the opportunities and rewards appear high. Managers prefer to work with people, they avoid activities alone because the activity makes them anxious. They relate to people according to the role they play in a sequence of events or in the decision making process. Leaders who consider the idea, associated with people in a more intuitive and empathetic.
John Kotter argues that leadership is different from management. Manajamen it comes to complexity, to produce order and consistency to develop formal plans, designing a strict organization and monitor the results through benchmarking with the plan. Leadership on the other hand, it comes to cope with change. Leaders establish direction by developing a vision for the future, able to synergize with the people communicate and inspire them to overcome obstacles.
The best leaders the world has the ability to dare to take risks and dangers, to appreciate the idea, communication and relationships with people with a more intuitive and empathic, able to cope with change, set direction by developing a vision for the future, able to synergize the people by communicating and inspiring them to overcome obstacles. This was done with tenderness and clarity of the heart, controlling anger, kepemaafan, justice, compassion, always praying, always consulting with emptik, working hard and surrender to God. The world's best leaders by Michael Hart is Muhammad.
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