by: Edi Harmanto Djatmiko

Creativity, in the eyes of a layman, is generally associated with the art world. For example, the works of Shakespeare with regal in playwriting. Picasso's masterpiece in the art with painting. Mozart symphonies with an amazing composition. These great figures are more often used their right brain when it works. People with the right brain is great, in theory, have superior creativity. Not just left-brain intelligence tend to understand the problem from the standpoint of right or wrong.
His name is also a layman, although it sounded plausible, his opinion a lot of store weakness. Proven, lately, more and more studies show that, long ago, creative figures has also been popping up in various areas of life. That is, use the right brain is not the monopoly of artists. In the field of science, Einstein's obviously very creative when it introduced the theory of relativity. Similarly, politicians in the United States government for successfully formulating both fight for the Social Security system (Social Security). In the world of industry and business, much less. Practically, in every inch of carpet industry and business creativity touched. I can not imagine if Henry Ford had not discovered and introduced assembly-line production. Or Thomas Alva Edison, who holds so many patents do not find the light bulb industry. In the information technology industry that are full use of her left brain appears figures such incredible creative Bill Gates and Steve Jobs. Then, in advertising and communications business, you certainly know the figure of Ogilvy. Please renew again this list by calling on the industry and any business, must appear creative figures. Without creativity, business and industrial life must have been deceased a long time ago. Kreativitaslah that make life sustainable industries and businesses over time.
Then, the "beast" whether real creativity? Creativity experts (mostly psychologist and pedagogue) formulates creativity as the ability to see things with new perspective and different, look at problems that might, no one saw it as a problem, but at the same time able to offer a variety of alternative solutions that are also new, unique and effective. Levels of creativity a person, other than can be seen from how many new and original ideas that can made, also how useful (usefulness) of ideas generated. The experts also agreed that motivation, prior knowledge, training, independence and purpose to produce an effect greater creative works.
In a business context, can be translated this way: creativity is not just the idea or point of view of a new and different, but (most importantly) it should bring a new paradigm in the business world that is able to deliver value to consumers.
The idea and the creative process - like the sound of beverage ads - could appear anywhere and anytime. Sir Isaac Newton discovered the law of gravity is not in the laboratory, but when millions watched an apple fall from a tree and was never able to return to its branches.
So also in the business, ideas emerge and the creative process really varies. From standard and seemingly mundane (eg, brainstorming with subordinates, colleagues, or customers), to the weird and even funny (for example, a famous architect who get great ideas just when the water from the shower head dikucuri bathroom). Interestingly, most creative ideas are initially not too grandiose, but once applied it brings a big impact for the business world.
The stories of the creative process like that - especially from our business - you will enjoy the main dish on writing after this. The goal, of course, so you get creative capture creative ideas milling around you. (*)
source by swa sembada
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